Guest Blog Post - Jenson Davis*

We wait all winter for those precious summer weeks. But as vacation approaches, our schedules get crazier with deadlines and tasks to finish before we can leave. By the time we actually start our vacation, we’re often more stressed than before. Add the pressure to make each holiday extraordinary, and it's no wonder we sometimes come back to work even more exhausted.  

What's the solution? Here are tips for a stress-free vacation. 

Set a Budget 

Planning a stress-free vacation starts with a solid budget. Knowing how much you can spend and sticking to it is crucial to enjoying your trip without financial worries. 

Here's how to set up your vacation budget: 

  • Step 1: Define Your Vacation Type and Budget. Decide on the type of vacation you're aiming for. Are you going for a luxurious resort or a budget-friendly Airbnb? Will you be out on day trips or relaxing at the hotel? Setting realistic expectations for your experience and budget will help you avoid overspending. 

  • Step 2: Break Down Your Budget. Divide your overall budget into categories. Calculate the cost of your flight tickets and any extra fees. Set a spending limit for meals, entertainment, and activities to prevent unexpected costs. 

  • Step 3: Create an Emergency Fund. Set aside some extra money for emergencies. Unexpected expenses like extra hotel nights, foreign transaction fees, or replacing lost items can come up. An emergency fund will help you handle these without going over budget. 

Block Yourself From Work

To have a good rest, you need to disconnect from work and completely change your usual routine. This will help provide mental rest and restore strength. To achieve this goal, you should set clear personal boundaries, reduce contacts with colleagues and only accept critical calls. You can simply record phone calls and respond to them when you have the opportunity. If you download now a Call Recorder for iPhone, you can listen to the conversation at any time. This will help you not to be distracted from rest, but to perform work tasks at a specially designated time. 

Schedule Rest Time 

When planning your itinerary, it's easy to get caught up in booking hotels, tours, and restaurant reservations. You're so focused on activities, you forget to schedule downtime. But adding rest time can make your trip much more relaxing. Plan a night at your hotel to enjoy room service and a movie, or spend an afternoon at a café people-watching to recharge for dinner. Scheduling this time helps you enjoy your break without guilt and prevents overbooking. Trust me, in the future you will appreciate the chill time. 

Drop the Perfectionism 

You don't need to throw a huge barbecue for everyone. If you decide to, there's no need to exhaust yourself with cleaning and cooking for that Instagram-perfect look. Focus on relaxing and enjoying your time off. Order food if cooking feels like a chore and just go with the flow. A bit of mess will make your friends and family feel at home and remind them that you're human too. 

Don’t Overthink the Trip 

Ever have one of those nights where you need to get up early, so you try to go to bed early, but end up overthinking and getting even less sleep? The same can happen on vacation when you try to force yourself to relax. While planning is important, going with the flow and living in the moment is just as crucial. Practice mindfulness during your trip to stay present and avoid putting too much pressure on yourself. This will help you feel truly refreshed when you return. 

Be Ready for Boring Moments 

Travel often involves a lot of waiting—whether it’s for transportation, your room, or a quick restroom break. Patience isn't everyone's strong suit, so it’s best to plan ahead for those inevitable boring moments. 

Consider who in your family is the least patient and what activities might help them pass the time. Here are some ideas: 

  • Play road trip games in the car. 

  • Choose a “family read” like a short story or book that everyone can enjoy and discuss. 

  • Assign “vacation tasks” like choosing the next museum or figuring out which paintings to see first. 

Be Flexible

One of my favorite quotes is, “let go or be dragged.” Flexibility while traveling means staying relaxed, no matter what surprises occur. Life is unpredictable, so being able to adapt keeps you carefree. 

Here are some tips to stay flexible while traveling: 

  • Keep your plans and expectations loose. 

  • If things fall apart, let them. 

  • Make backup plans. 

  • Don’t rely heavily on one thing. 

  • Don’t tie your trip’s success to things that might change or cancel. 

  • Approach everything, even obstacles, with an adventure mindset. 


Travel is all about enjoying life to the fullest—relaxing, exploring, and having fun. But it can get stressful if you don't plan ahead. To keep things stress-free, stay flexible, practice minimalism, and avoid major stressors. Being carefree and adaptable leads to a better travel experience and a more relaxed life overall. Enjoy your adventures and stay chill! 





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