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Someone who has never visited South Devon but wishes to do it someday would definitely type it in Google at first. By clicking on the pictures, somebody would see picturesque landscapes with rocky shores and cliff-side villages. What cannot be seen is the mystical side of South Devon. 

Psychic advisors who provide guidance on the Nebula astrology website remind us how important it is to listen to our intuition and pay attention to the mysticism around us. Let's remember what mystical events happened in South Devon, turning into legends that the region is still famous for.

Overview of South Devon's Mystical Events: Nebula Astrology Analysis

At first glance, the cute towns of South Devon contain many mysteries. With all its castles, abandoned monasteries, and small villages where strange things happen, it is increasingly attracting fans of mysticism. They get what they are looking for: people create whole groups where they exchange stories about this county that they have heard while traveling and events that they have witnessed.

People with psychic abilities who see a little more than others pay special attention to this county and the events around it. To learn more not only about the mysticism that surrounds us, but also about our inner potential to see it, everyone can use free astrology predictions. The development of your spiritual side can lift the veil of mystery, even when it comes to places like South Devon. 

Berry Pomeroy Castle: A Place That Inspired Gothic Novels

In 1806, Edward Montague's book 'The Castle of Berry Pomeroy' was published, which brought the castle worldwide fame. In his work, the author adapted legends about the castle that he heard from local residents about the ghost. Mentions of the ghost of a woman in this castle are also in the earlier memoirs of Dr. Walter Farquhar. In them, the doctor describes how, during a visit to a patient, he encountered the ghost of a woman in luxurious clothes, whom he called a harbinger of death.

In the stories that appeared later, there is a story about the Blue Lady, whose cries for help were heard by the people who were near the castle. According to the legend, the Blue Lady lured passersby to the tower, and no one saw them anymore.

Devon as a Home For Pixies

Arthur Conan Doyle, who told the world stories about Sherlock Holmes, was one of the leading representatives of spiritualism in his time. For example, he once visited Torquay to give a lecture about the afterlife. He also traveled extensively around England, including South Devon, looking for evidence of the existence of pixies, little fairies, for his book. 

In his book, he quotes Mrs. Tweedale, a woman who met fairies: "One summer afternoon, I was walking alone along the avenue of Lupton House, Devonshire [...] What was my delight to see a tiny green man. He was about five inches long and was swinging back downwards." The woman said that the little man had green boots on his feet and a small blade in his hands. He quickly disappeared but became one of dozens of mythical creatures whose stories were collected by Arthur Conan Doyle in his book.

Ghosts on the Hunt Near the Buckfastleigh Church

The Buckfastleigh Church, also named Holy Trinity Church, is the remains of a 13th-century church that was badly damaged in a fire. On the grounds of the church is the family tomb of the Cabell family. There are legends that the spirit of one of the representatives of this family buried there, Richard Cabell, has not rested in peace. During his life, he was remembered by the inhabitants for his cruelty, which is why, after his death, a strong fence was built around the tomb, and a heavy stone was placed on the tomb itself.

Apparently, it didn't stop the rebellious Richard Cabell's spirit. People see his ghost at night, hunting with a pack of hounds. This local legend is said to have inspired Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to write "The Hound of the Baskervilles."


For a long time, the lands of South Devon have attracted those interested in mysticism. In addition to the legends that have been circulating about these lands, new stories are also emerging. Some Facebook users regularly publish stories about strange spots in photos taken in the Dartmoor countryside or a man's voice out of nowhere in the county's forests.

To find answers about the paranormal in your life and spiritual development, you can read here about how professional psychics work. Learn to trust your intuition: probably, this is exactly what passersby who met the Blue Lady of Berry Pomeroy Castle on their way lacked.





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